Monday, July 20, 2009

Nyungar; Noongar, noonaa Moort nganaarng!!

Kaalagap 3:21pm July 20th 2009

Nyungarra! Nyungarra! Windjee nidja Nyungaaraaa!!?
Bookadjaa baalap bookadjaa, kaala-ngat nyininy... mai waangkiny, djurrep-kaadidjiny! One day, when the sun is shining, perhaps in spring, perhaps we might meet again, to sing the songs and speak the words by that fire that we all hope we will one day find welcoming us to sit by.
You know that fire!?!
To play in the smoke, to warm your back, to drink your tea and eat those johnny cakes from the pan and dip those dampers into the juices of the yongka and bacon that sit dookeniny... yuret-ngat dookeniny, daartj noonook benaarnginy, djurrepiny, yep we all dream of that day...


Dianne Pereira said...

Yeah, dream of that day, tried to light a fire this weekend but too windy.

Dianne Pereira said...

Sandalwood workshop in Moora Friday 14th August 9.30am – 4pm $30 non-members, Associate members $10, Grower members free.
The Australian Sandalwood Network (ASN) is presenting a workshop at the NACC office. 1 Padbury St Moora, 9.30am for 10am start, on Friday 14th August. Look at the basics of planning and establishing a sandalwood plantation in the Northern Ag region. Visit a newly established plantation and look at the on ground considerations..... then back to the venue for lunch and further discussion. Bruce Storer (Chair of the ASN) - a farmers perspective; ASN mentors - Planning and establishing your sandalwood plantation, where and when; and Jon Brand, Forest Products Commission - latest updates on growth data from trial plantations. Open to anyone with an interest in Sandalwood. There will be an opportunity to join the ASN on the day. RSVP by Monday 31st July for catering purposes to Bethan Lloyd, ASN Executive Assistant, 08 9574 5882, or

Native Tree Decline in Forest and Woodland of the South-West 7 August Contact Michelle Yeomans at to register.

sarah toa said...

Hi Tim, love your language.